Saturday, 19 February 2011


i'm not sure if this is excessive

i can cook

but sometimes i just cannot be bothered


i have been infatuated with ramen lately

i'm thinking it's my February mood food

2 cloves of garlic and garnish of grapeseed oil to my ramen

really jazzed up noodles

so what the fuck? food

but yum

silently jealous about the London Fashion Week shenanigans

i think i just need some peace

avoid all the obnoxious fashpack crowd

is it me or do the fashion crowd look so contrived for 2011

this generic code of dressing why thanks to street style blogs

anyway how amaze (LOLZ) did Yasmin Le Bon look down the the runway

you can't beat style and a classic icon

either you've got it or don't

go away all you fashion mongers


oh hello custard tart



Tuesday, 15 February 2011

i need time

music to get over a mountain hill to get myself better

el perro del mar // change of heart

The radio dept // heavens on fire

Baths // animals

the words and titles have no significance to me at this point

just some kind of mello-dramatic noise in the background as distraction

distraction is good

my new tough

i hate myself sometimes for reacting in ways that i can't control

i keep finding myself lost

losing myself deep in my thoughts

and i find myself crying

and fucking hate this and i beat myself up about it

i still can't get over my grandad passing away

i completely understand that, that's how life rolls

i am totally a rational person

but what frustrates me is why can't i control myself to calm myself

i hate lingering on a subject

and why do i cry in moments?

i don't understand this.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

not my words

Never ceases to amaze how little the staff in designer stores know about the things they sell. So much attitude, so little knowledge.

take note mutha fuckers!!

i hate shopping because of this

nothing offends me more than rudeness
