Sunday 2 May 2010

gray cast


my mind keeps wondering and i am missing the ex boy

oh and a slight triumph i managed to lose 1 pound from the exercising that almost killed me

wump wump
note i noticed this new way saying this calling and thought i would trial it

back to the boy

i am mega missing him

just from being in contact with him again

what the fuck is this

i have this tingly feeling and a sense of happyness and joy

also feeling a bit of a loser that i haven't found anyone suited yet for me to brush off the ex boy in a flash reflex

it's hard

he spoke of everything about our time together

the face cream we bought together for him that he still uses
the bike he rides
the german markets
the night we met
the new band we got into before they made it big
the graphic designer job he's working

and i feel like i've crumbled and want some familiarity and comfort

and the inbetween guys that i have kissed were utter shite and i said yeh i would keep in touch 'but you haven't given me your number' exactly

i think this is my flaw

keeping in touch with your past lovers

and getting acquainted with fuck buddies in your life makes you lust for familiarity and knowing that it's a fail safe catch

I'm eating back that 1 pound weight i worked so hard to lose

with biscuits at midnight

i'm terrible

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